In such a time, i want to place blocks in sidebar region with the dynamic weight. It means the blocks should render in different position for each page request. I have searched and tried lots of method but unfortunately i can’t find proper method to do that. So i have decided to do that with some hacky way.
Drupal 8 is providing a hook to alter the region template_preprocess_region, it would prepares values to the theme_region. I have planned to use the hook to alter the block's position to be rendered in the region.
Adding the following codes in THEMENAME.theme file would solve the problems,
function themename_preprocess_region(&$variables) { if ($variables['region'] == 'sidebar_second') { $variables['elements'] = shuffle_assoc($variables['elements']); $content = ''; foreach ($variables['elements'] as $key => $value) { if (is_array($variables['elements'][$key])) { $content .= \Drupal::service ('renderer')->render($value); } } $variables['content'] = array( '#markup' => $content, ); } } function shuffle_assoc($list) { if (!is_array($list)) { return $list; } $keys = array_keys($list); shuffle($keys); $random = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $random[$key] = $list[$key]; } return $random; }
It is working well in my site but i know it is the hacky way, not sure about the proper way to do that. If anyone of you know about this kindly share it in the comments :)