Commonly most of the people facing the grub rescue crash, mostly it will happen when we use dual boot option to use two different Operating System.
Recently, I had faced a problem in my system.
Most of the times developers don't like the GUI, It makes feel lazy. Drupal has a tool (Drush) to do some management work from command line.
In this blog, I am going to share the best way to install python in linux mint.
First, We have to install some depedencies,
The WordPress community is big. Really big. We're talking thousands of designers and developers, tens of thousands of writers, and millions of users, all contributing to pushing WordPress forward.
Wordpress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. and also wordpress is both free and priceless at the same time.
Code :
$data = array('Anish', 'Bala', 'Somu'); $string = implode(',', $data); print_r($string);
Output :
We all know our all browsers are memory eaters especially Chrome, Firefox.
Sample Code
The "if you build it, they will come" plan won’t get your business seen in 2015. The fact is, 50 percent of companies plan to increase marketing spend in 2015.